

PTInternational LLC  Semiconductor Training
A SEMI U Training Partner!

X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy

 X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy

XPS is used to determine the atoms present at a surface and their concentrations, chemistry, and lateral and depth distributions.This is a 2 day course.

What the Course Covers:

Introduction – Terminology, Surfaces, Types of Surfaces, the principles of XPS Production of Photoelectrons, Peak Labeling, Electronic Figuration of Atoms, Atoms,  Molecules, Solids, Energy, Spectra,  Auger Process, Valence Spectra, Surface Sensitivity,  Information Depth, Sample Handling, Spin-Orbit Splitting, Chemical Shift, Plasmons, Multiplet Splitting, Shake-up, Instrumentation, Dual Anode, Bremsstrahlung, Monochromatic Source,  Electron Energy Analyzers, Spectrum Acquisition,  Energy Resolution, Scattering in Analyzers, Electron Detectors,   Pulse Counting,  Position Sensitive Detectors, Small Area Analysis, Area Location, Imaging XPS, Methods,  Equipment and Examples, Vacuum System Samples, Energy Scale Calibration, Qualitative Analysis,   Identification of Elements, Changing X-Ray sources, Charging, Interpretation of Chemical Shift, Relaxation , Effects, Auger Parameter, Peak Widths, Lineshapes, Quantitative Analysis, Sensitivity Factors, Ionization Cross Section, Asymmetry Parameter, Analyzer Transmission, Reference Spectra, Intensities, Background Subtraction,   Detection Limit, Effect of Thin Overlayers, Artifacts, X-Ray Damage,  Charging, Methods for Charge Control, Ghost Peaks, Data Acquisition and Processing, Processing Data, Tougaard Background Subtraction,  Satellite Subtraction, Peak Area, Lineshapes, Curve Fitting,  Deconvolution, Depth Profiling,



Who Should Attend:

 Scientists,  Engineers, Technicians, and Students who would like a detailed understanding of the use of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/ESCA) for surface analysis.

Next Schedule Date and Location:

Only offer at clients' site


$13,900 USD  for up to 14 students

Contact us if interested in an on site training program